
Autoclaved aerated concrete autoclave advantages

Autoclaved aerated concrete autoclave can be shorted as AAC autoclave, which is an important equipment in providing high temperature and high pressure steam in construction industry.
Autoclaved aerated concrete autoclave for sale
1.The  AAC autoclave structure is with 16MnR steel horizontal .The door and the body of the autoclave is with 16Mn steel
to produce .The welding of pressured parts are treated by heating treatment and nondestructive testing .
2.The door of autoclave is moving rapidly open structure and is controlled by hand operated speed reduced power-driven ,air-driver,hydraulic driven are also suitable. With perfect safety interlock protection device , avoiding the mis-operation in the maximum and to be sure the autoclave working safety , and worker is safe.
3.The way to open the door divide into two methods,one is side open structure ,the other is upward open structure .As to side open structure which is rotating arm type ,turn flexibly ,operate in a low level ,open easily .The Up ward open structure is level -type .The bottom of the lever connected with the door .
At the top with counterweight device,open light ,take small space .
4.The seal of the door is used with rubber seal produced by professional factory, install easily , the tightness is the best .long time to use
5.For different parts the autoclave supports have fixed supports ,moving support ,special supports for the top .
Autoclave for AAC plant in green buildings

